Reasons Why Christians Should Not Hesitate to Join Real Life Community Church Worship
We live in a digital era whereby Christians can enjoy Sunday services at the comfort of their homes. This is a good option, especially when people have no alternative, such as during COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. However, there are numerous benefits one can gain after attending a church of faith physically. They include the following
The Feeling of Being Connected With God
Whenever someone is physically in church, they are in a place built primarily to connect with God. During that moment, one automatically realizes that there is someone out there more significant than any living creature. Anytime we step foot into a place of worship, we automatically should forget about ourselve and start thinking about God. This prepares us to receive and comprehend His message better.
As one walks into the church they feel that they are in a spiritual environment that is filled with God’s presence. Every Christian enjoys being closer to God. As we attend church worship services, we strengthen our relationship with God. Going to a Sunday worship service is proof that we have time for God.
Social Connection With People of Similar Faith
People of similar interests spend time together. If you have an interest in seeking knowledge you will spend time in the library. Eventually, books will be your best friends. The same case if you spend time in the church you will have Christian friends. The good thing about making friends in the church is you will get people who will love and accept you the way you are. At Real Life community Church, we welcome everyone, including sinners, and we show them the light and demonstrate His love.
It is an easy process to make friends in the church. There are numerous social functions in the church that bring the community together. Consequently, if you are struggling to make new friends, the church is an excellent place to start. Suppose you have no idea which church to attend. Our church in the England Run area of Fredericksburg is not only a good choice but the best choice. We are a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural church of faith, and we are always ready to receive new partners in ministry.
If You're Looking, The Church Is a Good Place to Get a Spouse
Would you love to marry or get married to a God-fearing partner? The church is one place where you can meet one. In some cases, marrying a partner of a different faith is challenging. The bible cautions us against being unequally yoked. Some may not comprehend that you need common faith and time to pray or attend a bible study. Couples who attend church worship services together are more likely to have a long-lasting marriage. When married people visit the church, they recall their vows to each other and the Lord. As a result, their union is reinforced.
If You Want To Serve, RLCC Offers Opportunities to Give Back To Society
Most churches, like our church, have community-based giving programs. The programs are meant to assist the surrounding community and the world beyond through sacrificial donations. Those who give are valued in the bible. In Acts 20:35, it says that it's better to give a hand that gives than one that receives. As Christians, we are obligated to give and assist the needy.
Through a church of faith, you can donate your money and your time. There are numerous needy people today. Some are struggling with diseases, illiteracy and poverty. Through our Hope Fund church donation programs, we can reach out to them and comfort them.
All Of Us Are Gifted And Our Church Is A Perfect Place To Use Your Spiritual Gifts
Our generous God granted us one or more gifts as it is written in 1st Corinthians 12 and Romans 12:3-8. The only place Christians can practice their gifts freely is in the church. We should not forget that the bible warns us against failing to utilize our gifts and talents in His service. Consequently, we should not just attend church worship services but also participate by serving God in areas that we are gifted in.
Earlier statistics have shown that approximately 20% of church attendees do 80% church activities. This should be a wakeup call to every Christian that we should be more involved in church ministry. When we go to a new church, we may find things running efficiently. We may assume that the management has everything covered. However, if you offer to help, you will discover that your assistance is not only welcome but beneficial.
We All Need A Spiritual Mentor
Mature, Bible-believing church members are full of spiritual insight since they have walked the spiritual journey ahead of many of us. Our senior believers have a lot to offer because they have navigated many of life's troubled waters and come out on the other side. Age doesn't matter when we need perspective, promise and a reason to go on. A Christian’s life is a challenging one. When going through tough times, we can be in a dilemma, not knowing the best decision to make. However, if we have someone who can help us view things in a more clear spiritual perspective, they can help us emerge as victorious Christians.