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Real Life Community Church


Real Life Believes Every Christian Should Join a Bible Study Group in a Church Family

Apart from joining a church community center, Christians need to devise means that can help them grow their faith. One effective mechanism to enrich one's faith is joining and participating in a bible study group. Often people think that being a part of a bible study group is not necessary as long as one is a part of a church family. That is an incomplete view of what personal spiritual growth requires. Bible study is an indispensable discipline. Joining and actively participating in a bible study can prepares us to serve God better.

At times someone may be willing to join a bible study, but they are too busy to commit the time necessary. Yes, life, family and career obligations can be demanding but committing to resolving the clash of priorities of being part of a bible group study is worth it.

The Early Church Valued Group Meetings

As Christians, we get guidance on how to live or what decisions to make from bible examples. One story that has numerous lessons for today's church is the story of the early church. It was made up of a Christian community that did not grow weary of meeting together to serve God. As it is written in the book of Acts 2:46-27, the church would meet, eat and praise together. God was pleased and gave them growth demonstrating His pleasure. He increased their numbers and also touched souls evidenced by new members being saved on daily basis.

The kind of harmony illustrated in the book of Acts is what Christians should strive to achieve today. Consequently, we should often meet and enjoy each other’s company as we worship God together. Would you want to be a part of a church family today? You can look one up online right where you are. For instance, searching online for “bible study Fredericksburg.” We want to be your search result and destination for spiritual growth.

God Values Christian Companionship

In the book of Ephesians 4:9-12, the bible says that two people are better than one. It explains that the labor of one person cannot be compared to that of two. A single person is demonstrated as a helpless person. On the contrary, two people will be okay even when they undergo and face problems together in Christ.

These verses are a clear indication that God has not called Christians to live like islands. He values the the companionship found in fellowship. If someone is alone, they will automatically feel lonely. When isolated, it is challenging to lead a Godly life. On the flip side, if they have support, especially from a church community center, they will manage trials and setbacks without backsliding because there is a support network of believers that are facing the same things and can testify to God's deliverance and providence.

The journey of a Christian is not a walk in the park. It is a tough one full of valleys and mountains. One cannot make it alone. Our church family will hold your hand or offer you guidance during such times. Moreover, a Christian life is full of battles. Having people who can support you with prayers and encouragement will make it bearable and full of the hope and joy that life in Christ offers.

Bible Studies Will Help You Grow Spiritually

Every serious Christian should desire to grow spiritually. Joining a church is the beginning. For faster growth, one needs to be a part of a bible study focused on creating a practical approach to living biblically. This happens because bible study offers you a chance to learn more about God and His plan for our lives. It also provides an opportunity to get different opinions and hearing different voices concerning what the bible says about your situation and how you should navigate it. Our bible studies welcome your individual expression or how God is speaking to you in your life. 

In case you're struggling with weak faith or temptations, our studies are designed to assist you to make  a 100% spiritual transformation. We know we cannot guide ourselves. We need others to advise us through God’s help. Come join us and be part of a spiritual group focused on living for Christ in this life at Real Life Community Church and join our bible study as we change our lives and impact Fredericksburg.

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